Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Day, Introduction. 27th of December, 2012.

Hello! I'm S  Y  N  E, but you can call me syne, regardless all of the spaces between the letters. Haha. I started this blog because I thought it will be best if I could give you tricks in my sleeve, and I figured it would be nice to help people who can't figure Pigg out. And this is mostly just a fun blog with lots of adventures. And WARNINGS about such hackers that can come up to you. Seriously, it's super dangerous.
Let's start off by saying that I like Pigg much more than Pico. I believe Pico's much lame-o compared to Pigg. The thing about Pigg is that it's Japanese. And I don't really know how to read it. :P.

I'm gonna tell you what this blog is all about. It's about teaching other Pigg Users things that might come in handy like tutorials in earning CG (Candy Gold), how to go fishing, how to do stuff that you can't figure out. It all starts at my second post. I also have fashion advices so that you know what's IN and what's OUT. Oh, and this picture right here shows the candy gold I'm talking about. Candy Gold is a currency in Ameba Pigg that you use to get the most awesome stuff in the world. Although, it's not that easy earning them.